速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers

Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers


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Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 105 stickers of Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Portrait of a Girl Evdokia Kuznetsova

- Street in Italy

- Self-portrait

- Self-portrait of the artist in youth

- A boy on a donkey

- Self-portrait

- In the family

- Portrait of A.P. Bogoliubov

- Fees for the crown

- The Dying Gladiator

- Self-portrait

- The Italian Tavern

- The Roman Baths

- In the chapel

- Self-portrait

- Backstage of the circus

- Portrait of a Woman in White

- Murder scene

- Murder scene

- Carnival in Rome

- Sick artist

- Horatius reads before Maecenas

- In the Roman Baths

- Mosaicists before the court three in Venice

- At the reception of the Pope

- At a roadside tavern

- Private baths in Pompeii

- Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise

- Entering the arena

- Italian woman

- The Catholic Mass

- Martyr on a circus ring

- Wayfarer

- Servant of Cardinal

- The old beggar

- Exile in front of the grave

- Masquerade

- Portrait of the artist's mother

- Portrait of the artist's father

- Before entering the arena

- Abandoned

- Portrait of the Artist K.D. Flavitsky

- Consecration of the herm

- August with family

- Sick man at the walls of a Catholic monastery

- The head of Judas

- Judas

- Portrait of Elena Grigoriyevna Tolstaya

- Portrait of an old man

- Bellagio

- Bellagio

- A fisherman hunging fishing nets

Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Painters in the hall of a rich man

- Cursed field. The place of execution in ancient Rome. Crucified slave

- The Garden Arbor

- Reading the newspaper

- The lady in white

- Capuchin

- Fan

- Portrait of an old man in a crimson dress

- Baptism of Prince Vladimir

- Meeting of princess

- Rebel

- Portrait of a Lady with a book

- Self-portrait

- Portrait of the Artist's Wife

- Portrait of an Italian ballerina Virginia Zucchi

- Street in Italy

- View of Lake Como

- The monk and the beggar

- Apelles chooses nudes

- The head of the Apostle Peter

- The head of an old man

- Robbery

- The lady at the morning toilet

- Children on the streets of Pompeii

- The Return of Ulysses to his home

- Italian woman with a basket of flowers

- Street in Italy

- Italian Courtyard

- Italian Courtyard

- Italian peasant on the barrel

- The Catholic Mass

- The Oath of Brutus before the statue

- Lover of painting

- Mosaicists before the court three in Venice in the second half of the XVI century

- Completed scores

- Rest on the lake

- Palermo

- Landscape with Tree

- Landscape with ruins

- Square in Rome

- Portrait of a Girl

- Portrait of an old man

- Portrait of an old man

- Buildings

- Roadsides shrine

- Parable of Lazarus

- Rome. Italian Courtyard

- The old man reading a letter

- Dog Grooming in children portraits,

- Cleaning corpses during an epidemic

- Street in Italian town

- Street in Italian town

- Nude wash

Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Fragment of the interior

- Reading the the death sentence Trazey Pet

Fyodor Bronnikov Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad